
If you're looking for more links of videos or interviews connected to the publicity of WHAT A PLANT KNOWS, you can click here.

Presentation to Ban Ki-moon about Food Security and the Manna Center (June 29, 2016

Public interview of Prof. Oliver Sacks, The Hebrew University Center for Rationality, June 19, 2014 (fast-forward to 7:25)

What A Plant Knows: Lecture at the Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University. February 5, 2014

"We Don't Know - yet!" TAU innovation day in Buenos Aires, June 27, 2016

Promo video for my "Coursera class", WHAT A PLANT KNOWS

Panel discussion in New Delhi on the India-Israel take on Food Security. Nov 8 2014

Remarks at the signing ceremony for the Israeli Pavillion of EXPO2015, Milan, Italy

This interview on genetically modified food has English subtitles and was recorded as part of a program on GMO technology and food on May 2012.

This interview on "food security" has English subtitles and was broadcast live on March 1, 2012.

This interview on Israel's cable "Kabbalah Channel" was one of the more interesting ones I've done. Too bad no subtitles (yet).

This video was made by the Tel Aviv University public relations department.

Some very non-scientific videos:

This was filmed during a Department Party in the Botanical Gardens.

This was filmed during a Department Party in the Botanical Gardens.